Bye Bye Bobby

As Bobby stares down at the bowl of yet another one of his “favorite meals” there appears to be a lot of thoughts running through his head. After a few moments, he takes the first bite. “Yummy” he thinks “the same thing I have been having all of my life how original.” Bobby looks around and sees his favorite person, Jacob, come running down the stairs. Jacob says “Oh hey Bobby, and how are we this morning? I can’t believe this is my last day here with all of you. I am gonna miss you but I know that college is gonna be just great.” He then pulls out his phone and takes a selfie with him. Bobby begins to wimper and as Jacob puts his phone away. Bobby takes his last bark knowing that Jacob would know that meant he loved him. Bobby made his daring escape out the doggy door never looking back because he knew the only way he would be happy is to find something new because the only exciting thing he had in his life was Jacob and he was going to college now.

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