by Atlas Green @ Unsplash

Write a story that contains a hitchhiker as a character.

Thumb Out

I looked out the window of my small one room apartment above the hardware store and shook my head. I had become frustrated and bored with my hometown. _I’m getting out of this town and going to see the rest of this big world _I thought to myself. The people in this small, minded town just don’t understand me, and I don’t fit in. I had become so frustrated lately and began to throw some clothes in my small bag along with the tools of my trade. I was going to write my own story.   I walked out the door of my apartment, closed it, and locked it for the very last time. I headed out onto main street and began my new journey. I was excited and knew that there was so much to see. I could walk for miles if I wanted to. I had a little bit of money so I could buy food and get a room and hop from town to town doing odd end jobs. I didn’t need anything steady. In fact, I didn’t want to stay anywhere too long.   As I headed onto the outskirts of town the road winded into the surrounding forest of the town. After a couple of hours I decided that maybe just grabbing a free ride along the way might be a good idea, so I stuck my thumb out. _I had never hitch hiked before but there is a first time for everything _I thought to myself. A few cars passed me by which didn’t surprise me because hitch hiking was not a thing but finally someone stopped, and the guy asked if I wanted a ride.   When I climbed into the car the man asked me where I was going. I told him that I had no real destination so wherever he was going was fine with me. He smiled at me and said, “I like the way you think kid.” He turned up the radio and cranked up the music and we continued down the road.   We had been driving for about an hour and he finally turned down the radio and asked, “So what you are running from?”, I looked at him surprised and asked, “How do you know I’m running from something?” He smiled at me and told me he had picked up a lot of hitch hikers in the past and knew when someone was trying to get away. I explained to him that I wanted to write my own story and being on the road was the best way to do that. He seemed to accept that and turned back towards the road and turned the music back up.   We must have traveled for about another two hours when I told the guy I had to use the bathroom and wanted to grab something to eat. He said, “That sounds like a good idea.” He pulled onto the next exit and stepped at a gas station. The bathrooms were on the outside and he said that he needed to go as well so I went in and grabbed the key for this little shithole of a business, and we headed towards the bathroom.   He walked into the stall while I used the urinal. I set my bag next to me and reached in to grab something I needed out of it and walked over to the stall. I told him thanks for the ride, he turned around and slammed the hammer down on his head. He fell to the ground and looked up to me and groaned “Why are you doing this?” I told him “This is the first chapter of my story, and you are the main character.” I continued to bash his brains in.   When I finished up, I cleaned myself up, changed clothes and bought myself a sandwich. When I got up to the counter to pay the attendant asked me where I was head and I responded, “Anywhere the road takes me.”.
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