


Write a crime report from a fantasy world using these three words.

Blue, Green, And Impossibly Hued

“Broken.. breath..” he said through coughs, his speech slurred.

My blood ran cold. The gash in his shoulder had a green tint I didn’t notice before.

Stupid, so stupid.

His breathing rasped as whatever poison that was on the mercenaries weapons invaded his lungs. My vision became blurry as I reached for my pack in a hurry.

Please please let this work.

As I got the med-shot out Tykel reached out and put his hand on my face.

“Tikarri, ka tikarri” he strained out the words in his people’s language as he rubbed my tears away.

“Don’t strain yourself, you’ll be okay. This is gonna work” I told him, even though I knew he couldn’t really understand me. I wish I believed it.

Tykel’s breathing started to become more labored, his eyes closed as he struggled to get any air. I pushed the med-shot into his chest, hopefully close to his heart. Tykel flinched in response. I pulled my arms around myself as a waited.

Fuck please please let this work.

I slumped in relief when he gasped a large breath as if he’d come out of a swimming pool. He continued breathing intensely but did not open his eyes yet.

At least he’s breathing.

Just as I was getting nervous, Tykel opened his eyes and looked around confused. He sat up when he saw me and kept looking at me.

“All-right?” He asked with an accent.

It was so ridiculous he was asking ME if I was alright I started laughing, my hand covering my mouth. He smiled at me as I did, his big blue hand came to pet my hair affectionately.

“Yes I’m alright, you big freak” I said after a moment.

Then I reached for his face and pulled his face to mine. Our lips crashed together roughly, yet somehow it was impossibly soft. Tykel’s lips were impossibly soft.

I was completely fucked.

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