Submitted by Arnold Carroway

Write a scene that takes place in mid air.

It could be from anyone, or anything's, perspective.

The Silver Dance

I took a breath, then another, I dragged my sore ridden fest up the stairs, a few at a time , staring at the floor, each step echoed in my head with a thundering boom, glistening tears slid down my face in a waterfall, no sound came of me but my breath , and the deafening sound of silence, whispers in my head trying to pull me back, back to what? I asked them , they didn’t answer me... I made it to a door ,at the end of the stairway , it’s wood cold and held firm in place by its hinges, I was like a door, I used to stand firm and tall, but I’ve lost my hinges, first I lost my dad, when I was 16 . Now, years later , I’m just consumed by all the bland , lonely suffering of a cruel city where no one , not even your own mother , cares about you. I pushed the door open, the job I had, it was the only thing keeping me from being swallowed, I had no friends, I push everyone away without even knowing, my job kept me busy , kept everything off of my mind, at night of course I stayed awake dreaming of easier, happier times, where I had friends, a lover, a dad, but now that I lost my job, everything just seems to overwhelm me. I opened my eyes, I was in the air, I did a small turn , the building I lived in was extremely tall , suck as every building in 2028 . Half the population is dead, most of the world , burnt to ashes , the government provides us with fresh tanks of air to breath. I turned mid air again, I had more control of my limbs now, is that strange? It is isn’t it . No matter, I’ll be dead soon, the sky was eerily cold, and silver wisps which looked like liquid silver flew around me in the air, a wailing sound came from the roof, not like anyone I know , stories tell of banshees wailing before a death, the silver wisps the flew around me looked like they were dancing, they got wider and brighter, eventually they covered me completely, I don’t care what happens to me at this point, my chest is too heavy to bare anymore worry, the wisps now engulfed my entire body, and nearly blinded me... I’m dead

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