Team 2

Alex enjoyed working with her team, she enjoyed hanging out with them even more. Despite the fact they were all boys there was never an awkward moment or a dull one for that matter.

They kept her on her toes with their idiocy and their kindness while she kept them in their toes with her organisation and her support. They had lived together only a week so far but all was positive, to her surprise Dante had suggested a chore chart and Olly had cooked dinner the first few nights.

After a few more weeks had passed Alex had started to try and figure out what else could be expected of them in the academy. They trained their powers daily which alone she found exhausting, but on top of that they also had to specialise in a form of hand to hand combat. This was also on top of full schooling lessons.

While she knew that this was all for the best it still was a drag at times. Having Dante with her in the power training and Ed with her during hand to hand helped massively with her mentality. During lessons she sat with Olly and Adam to ensure that the boys didn’t feel left out.

Through no real choice of her own she had been elected the groups leader for the start of the year. Teachers had suggested that one person take charge so that during drills and high pressure situations the teams could operate effectively. They were all assured that as the years went on every member of the team would get a chance to lead if they wanted.

So as their leader she strived to set a good example in all of the lessons she shared with any of them. But this also made her think, if they had to decide on a leader that meant other teams did and if other teams now had leaders they would be ready for a fight. Alex had expected to have had a battle with other people in the year by now but so far had been disappointed or happy. She wasn’t sure if she wanted to fight her new friends in the year.

None the less she refused to be unprepared. The last few days while someone cooked dinner her and her team strategised. Thinking up good combinations of their powers, how best these could be used against other teams powers. But most importantly to seemingly everyone, how best they could work together to take down Ethan’s team.

So far Ethan had been the talk of the year. Leading a group of them to fight the intruders on the first night and then no more than two days later managing to stop a banking robbery with his team. She had even heard that he had caught the explosion and thrown it back at the man. This alone meant that Ethan was a threat to her reaching the Tournament of Power and neither her nor her team were willing to just sit around aching and exhausted and do nothing.

If they were going to ache and struggle, they were going to do it together and they were going to get something out of it.

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