
The rest of Havenbrook Elementary was outside at recess but Caroline had snuck back in to do what many teachers complimented her ability to do; ask good questions. Caroline didn’t mean to be sneaky, but she was so worried about what was going on that she quietly crept up to Mrs. Boyd’s desk without causing her to lift her gaze toward the open door.

“Excuse me, Mrs. Boyd” she just about whispered. Startled, the 30-something year old teacher looked up and smiled when she saw Caroline at the door. “Hey sweetie what’s going on? Why aren’t you at recess?” she asked politely.

Caroline inched a little closer to the desk and ignoring the latter question replied: “Does your tummy ever feel weird?” Mrs. Boyd replied casually, relieved that nothing crazy was happening, “Sure does honey, pretty often. Does it hurt or feel like you might need to go to the bathroom?” Her eyes furrowed after asking.

Caroline sweetly shook her head no, and gazed upon her pink tennis shoes. She said that she’d been outside and felt normal right up until she was visited by Brennan Sander, who’d given her a peck on the cheek. Now, only a few minutes later, she stood in the classroom and her stomach was still turning.

Once she’d explained, Mrs. Boyd let a smile bubble up to the surface, sat back in her chair, and said to Caroline, “did it feel like there were butterflies flying around in your tummy?”

The child’s eyes grew bigger than they ever had, and she quicky replied back with a “how did you know?!”, to which Mrs. Boyd explained, even she still felt that way sometimes.

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