Write a short story about a birthday party that almost goes wrong.
What almost ruins the day? What saves it?
Almost Forgotten
The sunshine peering through my window wakes me up. I sit up, rub the sleep out of my eyes, and prepare for the best day of my life.
Todays my birthday and i’m so excited for the party my mom promised me. I jump
out of bed and run to my bathroom to make myself look a little more presentable.
I take a quit shower, brush my hair, do very little makeup, and then put on a matching Christmas pajama set because my birthday happens to fall on the day before Christmas Eve.
I open the door to my bedroom and walk out. I take a deep breath in and begin preparing for what my family has planned.
We’ve been through a lot so I hope they don’t forget. My dad passed recently and my mom hasn’t handled it very well. I haven’t either but I always have to put a strong face on for my little brother, Leo.
“Good morning.” My mom says as she’s making breakfast, as she always does.
“Good morning, momma.” I walk up behind her and hug her, kissing her on the cheek.
“Do you know what today is?” I ask excitedly. I smile big and nudge her a little with my arm.
“No, What is today?” She asks. This has to be a joke.”
“Do you really not know?” I pull back and wait for her to respond.
“Did I forget something? Is it Christmas Eve already?” She paused and turns around with a shocked looked on her face. “I didn’t rap presents yet. Oh my god.” She begins running to her bedroom but pauses.
“I’ll finish breakfast.” I say because I already knew what she was thinking.
She runs into her room and closes the door behind her.
Did she really forget? There’s no way. I mean I get it but it does hurt a little. Maybe she forgot because she’s to hurt to focus on me right now.
A loud thud comes from her bedroom and then seconds I hear her say, “Ow.”
I turn the stove off and rush to her bedroom. I turn the nob quickly and when I open the door my heart drops.
“Happy birthday to you. Happy birthday to you. Happy birthday dear, Sara. Happy birthday to you.” My mom and little brother sing. My heart fills with pure happiness and I run in.
“Make a wish, Sara.” Leo says with the biggest smile.
I wish that life can be like this forever. That I will always be with my amazing family.
I blow out the candles and we walk to the kitchen for cake.
Turns out she didn’t forget which makes me the happiest 16 year old ever. I love them so much and I’m so happy we’re together.