“It felt so real, yet so magical!”

Include this line in your story

wisdom teeth

“it felt so real, yet so magical!” i exclaimed. my mommy patted my arm as we reached our metal box. the nice lady in the funny shoes rolled me to the door on the magic spinny chair. she was so silly!

“my teethies hurt!” i yelled, yanking my mom’s arm.

“i know, sweetie. they took our your wisdom teeth.”

“they took them?! but they were mine!” i wailed. they couldn’t take my teethies without asking!

the funny shoe lady and my mommy helped me into the metal box, and mommy put a strap around me. i tried to escape, but it was to much for my weak body. curse you funny shoe lady!

mommy took the metal box to our den, while i told her all about how unfair it was that they took my teethies without asking! the audacity!

once we got to our den, mommy helped me to the den’s mouth. it ate us! mommy brought me to my sleeping pad, and i went to dreamy land. i had some weird dreamies!

in my dreamies, i beat up funny shoe lady and made her give me back her teethies back! it was so fun to beat her up! that bitch deserved it! once my dreamie was finished, i woke up! can you believe it?!

“what time is it?” i said, rubbing my eyes.

“ten. how does your mouth feel?”

“hurts like hell. hey, was i saying weird stuff yesterday?”

“no, not really,”

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