
The last time I seen my mother was 10 years ago... until today, and every bit of rage, pain and hatred i thought I had expelled from myself came rushing back. My teeth clenched as I bit back the words that were clawing their way out of my throat.

“What do you want?” I asked quietly. She smiled like nothing was wrong and shoved her way past me into my home. Invading my sanctum. God I hated her.

Prowling behind her I asked again why she was here.

“To see you silly, it’s been such a long time. Why don’t you pop the kettle on and we will have a catch up.” She suggested as she moved my things around.

Batting her hands away from my things I whirled around.

“No, get out. Get out of my home, get out of my life, stay away from me. I hate you, I never want to see you again.” I snarled as I bodily shoved her out onto the sidewalk. Tears filled her eyes as she realised I was serious.

“But I’m your mother! You can’t do this to me! I brought you into this world!” She shrieked through the closed door. I ignored her and rested my forehead on the cool wood of the door. Wishing she would leave.

It took hours of frantic pacing and hectic cleaning for me to calm my racing heart and jangling nerves, every noise left me jumping and spooked. It was always the same when I had dealt with her. Questions whirled around my head, how had she found me? How long till she appeared again? Would I have to leave again? It’s a shameful thing to run from your own mother, but I couldn’t WOULDNT have anything to do with her. Never again.

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