Try writing the script for the opening scene of your latest romance film.

Scripts normally include mention of settings, props, and characters, their dialogue, and directions for actions. Do not worry about the visual layout, but try to write it with all the key elements of a screenplay script.

Falling For You

INT. RESIDENTIAL FLAT - MORNING We open on LOTTIE (28), with curly brown hair and brown skin, sitting at a kitchen island and eating a slice of toast. Golden light filters in through the window and the radio plays an upbeat pop song. Distracted, Lottie taps along to the beat, not noticing the blob of strawberry jam slipping from the toast onto her floral pyjama top. CUT TO: EXT. RESIDENTIAL FLAT - MORNING A metal ladder clangs against the outside brick wall. Specks of dust crumble away and JESS (27), with short black hair and white skin, brushes brown flecks from her blue dungarees. The back of her t-shirt reads 'window cleaner'. A man, Dan (30) walks behind Jess carrying bags of shopping. DAN: (cheerfully) Busy day today, Jess? Raising a full bucket of water, Jess chuckles as a splash of white bubbles slip over the bucket's rim. JESS: Certainly is. DAN: Will I see you tomorrow? JESS: You doubt my loyalty to the Guild? Dan grins and bows his head mockingly. DAN: Not for a second. (pauses) I will see you then, My Liege. Dan carries on walking down the road. Jess turns her attention back to the ladder. JESS: (sighing) Another day... Jess begins her ascent up the ladder. FADE TO: INT. RESIDENTIAL FLAT - MORNING: We see Lottie rise from her stool. Having noticed the jam, she walks around to the sink by the window. A single plate, bowl and a set of a knife and forks scatter the draining board. Lottie grabs a red cloth and runs it under the water. She dabs the stain. Eyes on the jam, Lottie doesn't notice Jess on the other side of the glass. She pushes open the window and the rim catches Jess' chin. Yelling, Jess grabs for the window ledge. CUT TO: EXT. RESIDENTIAL FLAT - MORNING: Water sloshes over Jess' face. The ladder slips and she topples back. Still focused on the wall, we see Lottie's face through the window and hear a loud crash from below. Lottie disappears from the window. CUT TO: EXT. RESIDENTIAL FLAT - MORNING: The front door to the residential flat slams open. Dishevelled, and frantic, Lottie stumbles out, still dressed in her floral pyjamas. Her head whips around quickly before stopping suddenly. LOTTIE: (panicked) Oh, stars! Lottie runs forward, her bare feet slapping on the concrete pavement. LOTTIE: I'm SO sorry! Are you alright? We focus on Jess's face, her hair damp, and the pavement wet around her head. Jess groans, her eyes pinched shut and she touches a hand to her forehead. JESS POV: A high pitch whine as we look through Jess' eyes up at Lottie. Bright sunlight haloes Lottie's face and confused, in awe, Jess touches a hand to Lottie's face. JESS: (moaning) Warrior Queen. Angel. The camera focuses on the smeared jam stain on Lottie's top. JESS: Jammy angel. The shape of Lottie disappears from view, turning the screen white and the high pitch whine continues. LOTTIE: (muffled, into a phone) Yes, ambulance, please. She fell from a ladder... FADE OUT: BEGIN MONTAGE: EXT. OUTSIDE AN AMBULANCE - MORNING A shot of Jess being lifted onto an ambulance gurney. A shot of Lottie standing on the curb, nervous, clutching both of her hands to her chest. A shot of two paramedic's sliding Jess' gurney into the ambulance. A shot from inside the ambulance to outside. Through the doors, we see Lottie walking around into view. A group of people mingling behind, talking. A final shot of the ambulance door's slamming shut and the screen turning black. END OF MONTAGE.
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