Submitted by an anonymous Daily Prompt user.
"Your time is up. Better run!"
Write a story that contains this line of speech anywhere within.
Nowhere Else To Run
I heard it again, a mumbling sound, I tried to pick out words one by one. “Your time is up. Better run.” Where was this voice, who was it?
I glanced at my bright orange shoes, my dry tan skin dripping in sweat, my old shorts. This did not bother me for as long as I breathed in fresh air, had food to eat, water to drink, I was surviving. Maybe even thriving. The bright Texas sun filled my eyes, it was a scorching hot day out, sweat trickled down me like the end drip of a faucet.
I started off at a nice easy jog, then catching up speed to a light, hard sprint. The sky was filled with wonderful gushing amounts of blue and birds flew in perfect V shaped lines which made me stop to admire this glorious sight.
The yelling in my ear became harder and my eyes shot open. My coach kept yelling, “It started, run!”
The school track went around me, the perfect white lines striping it. People in the bleachers stared at me, some yelling. My body froze, not knowing what to do.
The coach pulled my off the track rather hard. "What do you think your doing, your off the team!" My heart pounded fast and my palms were soaked with sweat. "That means your jersey, now!" He reached to the grab the jersey and my first thought was to smack his arm, and so I did. What if he was going to hurt me? I thought.
My arms could not stop, I was scared. People gathered around trying to pry me off. Tears flew down my cheeks as the security pulled me away. The coach stared into my eyes, his nose gushing blood. I wanted to say I am sorry but my words could not come out. I cried, yelled, pulled. "This is it,” I thought, “I am gonna end up in jail like my father."
My mother rushed over and grabbed me, hugging me close to her chest. I loved her for my entire life, she gave me food before herself, cared me me, been there for me. My mother never left my side. I grabbed her back, crying into her shoulder.
I somehow got out of security and went home.
My mother was waiting there, a necklace in her hand. I rushed over, the wind brushing my face. As she placed the necklace on a looked inside. My fingers gently opened the heart shaped golden cover and a picture of me and her stood there, silent. "Do you like it?" My mother asked. I stood, staring at it, as there was too many words to describe it. I started to cry and my mother hugged me tight. "I love it, it’s wonderful, beautiful, glorious, and most of all perfect." I cried harder, wiping my tears on her shirt. "I love you my baby farther then the moon and back." She whispered in my ear. "I will always love you too mom." I squeezed tighter, smiling a bit.