MiddleAged, MiddleAges

Ser Garrison St. Lager (just Gary, if you please.) had seen many a battle. As both a knight of the order and general commander for the kings army. As one would expect, he has quite a few battle scars scattered across his skin. He didn’t mind the scars. The stares and whispers of strangers he could do without. Still, he has grown used to it over the years. Now, nearly in his sixties and officially retired, he spends much of his time at the University or the training camp as a sort of coach for the children who are ready to enter the workforce. Today, he was a guest speaker for the latest graduates from the University as tomorrow they would choose their jobs. As usual, the chattering immediately stopped when he entered the small classroom.

Unfazed by the stares, he began.

“My name is Garrison St. Lager. Ex knight and general commander of the kings army. I am here today to answer questions and provide guidance for you as you choose your jobs tomorrow.” Gary said in, what his troops would say, his commander voice.

“How’d you get that scar across your eye?” Asked a young boy.

“Very direct aren’t we?” Gary said with a mischievous look. “Well if you want to know, I revived this scar in galahar. When I defeated the hag witch queen and freed the town from her evil curse.”

“Do you ever regret any of it?” A girl with bright red hair asked.

“Never. I may have gained a few scars but I saved many innocent life’s. One is captain of the guard, one is an extremely accomplished mage. One of them is also my wife.” Gary said with a smile remembering the day with fondness.

“What does it mean to be a knight?”

“To me it means courage,honor and integrity. It’s not about being the strongest or the fastest or the smartest. It’s looking down fear in the face, being terrified but standing for what’s good and right. Every knight in the order is prepared to lay down their lives to protect the innocent.” Gary finished.

The rest of the evening passed as expected. Then, headed home for dinner.

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