Your characters are caught in a sudden thunderstorm in a forest.

Write a description of this experience, involving the senses as much as possible. Would your characters enjoy, detest or fear this scenario?

The Forest

You left me in the forest

Alone dark and scared which was weird for me because I told you every fear.

You grabbed my hand only for it to fall it felt like time stopped and then I magically tripped down some sort of rabbit hole.

You left me in the forest I told you that was my fear, not the forest itself but just the atmosphere. Your words were like thunder it was loud and clear.

The forest was your words clouding my doubt. As you walked through the forest followed but not closely I stared to notice everything you touched turned into dust I asked myself how I could ever let myself love someone this much how can I love someone who just turns something so beautiful into dust?

When you left me in the forest I picked myself back up again like putting back broken puzzles of glass. I went through the forest and suddenly everything shined and the air felt less thick and the Sky began to shine. It’s true that when you left it was my biggest fear but suddenly everything became crystal clear.

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