Inspired by an anonymous user

Write a story about a character trapped alone in a room with no doors or windows.

You could focus on how this situation occured, or the emotional response of the protagonist.

Princess Wants Nothing to Do With the Palace And All Who Inhabit It’s Empty, Ghostly Walls (Suspico

She is the princess, the princess of Maldova. The castle has been empty for years, not a single mouse or soul of a mouse or even a ghost mouse. The Anti-mouse traps works so well they even catch humans, which are related to mice in a very distant way. When hunting mice, a mouse hunter must take this into consideration. To make a very long story short, which includes many wars on mice and mouse kind, the princess is now alone in her tower; she could not escape. For the mouse traps, coiled and vindictive, attempted to keep her inside. But, as the mouse traps did not know because they cannot think, the princess was a rat. Not in the sense that she was an actual rat, those went extinct with the invention of poisoned cheese as well as the extinction of cheese makers because all the cheese was always poisoned, but she was slippery like one and she had been crafting a scheme to escape. You see, the princess is the anti-hero, much like the song Anti-Hero by Taylor Swift. You see, she had an antidote to her problem, her mouse problem. (To reiterate, she does not have a problem with mice; she has a problem with all the mice traps that are so advanced that catch humans.) She grabs the flask. A sinister, red smile crosses her classic princess face, like the movie with that princess who bites the apple that is actually poisoned, and she drinks the contents of the bottle. After she drinks it all, it shatters on the floor. Crash. She is Santa. She can now escape. She can escape the castle and the kingdom. You see, santa is a mythical being from christian legend, and it is not related to any sort of mouse. Using the newly transformed body, she escapes. Good job princess. I knew you could do it. Crafty princess.
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