Describe the wisest person you know in a short story about them.
Your description should subtly tell us why you think they are wise. You could weave this into a story, or write a descriptive paragraph, but try to be creative with the way you portray this person, instead of telling us facts about them.
Inside of a five-foot-three body lies a heart and a brain. Although the body itself may be aging fast, the heart and the brain stay young. The heart has been hurt quite a lot, and the brain has learned from it. From what was a sweet, innocent girl became a fierce, grounded, and level-headed woman. Everything she has learned has come from experience. She had no one to pass knowledge down to her. This was her first lesson. As the years went on, she grew wiser, learning more and more every day. She once had a mentor that she looked up to, but that had went south quick due to health issues. This was not the first time she felt abandoned, so the feeling did not sting as much. Years treaded by and now she was in her forty’s, giving her knowledge to young women who turned to her for advice. Who knew so much knowledge could come from such a beautiful, petite human. She looked fresh but also like she had been through war. She had history and a lot of it. But sadly, she had no one to tell her war stories to. One day, a young girl, about fifteen, showed up at her doorstep knowing she was the woman to go to for help. This young girl had a list of questions. Before she could speak, the older and much wiser woman invited her inside. They sat down at the dining room table and went through the list. About an hour or two had passed by before they finished up their conversations. The wise woman showed the wiser young girl out and wished her luck. Now that the young girl had heard the war stories and gained knowledge she didn’t even know was possible, she was a young woman. The older woman was finally at peace with herself, considering her story was told. As the young woman walked the block to her home, she thought carefully about each word the older woman said. She had experienced so much throughout her lifetime. This woman was and IS history.