
Write a story where a character wants something right away.

It could be a loan, a parking space, to get a piece of dental floss out of their teeth.


I walk over to Brad Christo, who is sitting at the table in the back of our classroom. “I know you took it!” I accuse him. “You aren’t fooling me with that innocent grin of yours!” A few minutes ago I lost possession of a very important family heirloom. It was a golden necklace with a hollow charm. The charm seemed to be empty but inside was a life preserving liquid for our family. Our family was different. We weren’t normal and without this liquid we could all die pretty soon.

“What are you talking about?” Brad responds with a smirk. I see right through him.

“Give me back my necklace!” I scream. “Now!” This draws the attention of my teacher. She walks over to us.

“Is everything alright over here?” She asks and give us “the look”.

“Brad stole my necklace and now he’s lying about it!” I exclaim. I begin shaking but not from anxiety. I’m fading. My mother warned me that if I was ever to start shaking, trouble was around the corner. “It’s really important to my family.” I add. “It’s an heirloom.”

“Brad, is what Scarlett saying true?” She addresses him.

“What? Me? Steal a necklace? Now way! I would never do such a thing!” Brad winks at me. I glare as my eye catches something glimmering underneath his pencil case. I reach for my necklace to see my arm vanishing away.

“Scarlett? What’s happening?” My teacher worriedly asks me.

“I’m van-“ I can’t finish that sentence. My body slowly but surely decinerates. I am nothing. And neither is the necklace.

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