Write a simple rhyming poem about starting something new.
Whether it be a job, relationship, or even another poem, consider how rhyme can bolster your poem’s intentions.
Built to Survive
Many times we will try and just as often we will fail,
But let not our courage be regarded as frail.
For it takes a great strength to pursue one’s desire
And a stark humility that we ought to admire.
From the ashes rise the purest form of growth
As we sign our hearts to an eternal oath:
We will not retreat, surrender, or refrain
The capabilities of a mind not easily slain.
Instead set our sights on a horizon forever outreaching
And be willing to accept the journey it’s teaching.
No path comes without effort, nor stone left unturned,
But these battles are rewarded with victory hard earned.
So keep your spirits engaged and alive
And know that your dream was built to survive.