Time Slips Away

I think I just met the happiest person in the world! No triumphal fanfares, no gymnastic cartwheels, no overindulgent exultation. Just - relative to me, at least - an image of pure happiness.

The bar is currently set particularly low, granted, what with us being the only people left on Earth and with me having just dropped my watch into a storm drain.

After my expletives punctured the silence I did take a breath and try telling myself that I don’t need a watch anymore, the world has ended, but even so… I bloody loved that watch.

Prior to the great disappearing watch trick Lucy was happy anyway (and to be fair up to that point so was I), but this watch thing really tipped the balance and put her at number one. Doubly so in fact, as seeing the buckle of the band slip smoothly into the darkness simultaneously put a real dampener on my mood while also amusing the heck out of her, a great deal more than I feel it should have, in fact.

Let’s face it, if somehow the much-predicted apocalyptic end of the world does finally occur and, would you believe it, two painfully introverted people appear to be the only two creatures left, there’s going to be a weird dynamic.

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