Submitted by Robin Marlowe
Write a story in which the protagonist starts to see cracks in their reality. Force the reader to ask: are they uncovering an illusion, or falling for a delusion?
If our senses can be fooled, then how do we know that our world is real?
Where We Belong
Her voice trailed in the middle of her sentence, voice fading, arms outstretched postured in a wide gesture. She could tell by the heat on her cheeks, that she was riled about something but for the life of her she could not think of what she wanted her next words to be.
Suddenly the light shining in from the ceiling to floor windows were too bright, her clothes were constricting and itchy, and somewhere she heard a high pitch electric whine coming from somewhere in the room. A long oak table stretched in front of her, with several men and women in business attire looking up at me expectantly. She didn’t recognise any of them.
_What is the last thing I remember? _
_Think. _
The faces in front of her were open, interested.
Nothing came to her mind, no matter how much she willed it.
She breathed in deep, let her hands drift slowly to her side. The red laquer on her nails caught here eyes.
_That seems, odd. _
Looking around the room and finding nothing familiar, worry started to buld in her chest. She closed her eyes.
_Think, think, think. _
She opened her eyes again. __
The bright light and board room was gone. Scraggly and thin trees dotted the landscape between her and jagged peaks that loomed high overhead. She reveled in the familiar the weight of her heavy armor and gratefully flexed a gauntleted hand. The pungent smell of sulfure grabbed her attention as above the horizon ahead a scaly green dragon climbed high into the sky. Instinctively she reached for the swird sheathed on her back and it pulled free with familiar ease.
_This. This is where I am supposed to be. _