The Lost Princess

I was a long way from home but I didn’t care. I couldn’t care. All I cared about at this moment was getting out of there.

I cantered down the narrow paths of the kingdoms woods and darted around trees, clinging onto the reins of Skye my beautiful horse and most trusted friend. I could hear voices in the distance. Most of them were calling my name, which is probably the worst part. If anyone else was missing people trying to find them would call them by their first name. All i could hear was “Princess Beatrice? Come back!”

Ugh I hate being royal. So many rules and regulations. That’s why I need to get out. Now. “Not much further Skye I promise.” Patting her head as we raced through thick thick Forrest.

All of a sudden we came out into a clearing and Skye stopped at the edge of a stream that was at the foot of a giant waterfall. I looked up mesmerised. How had I never seen this before? This is mine and my sisters kingdom. How had I never found this place. As I thought about my dear sister tears brimmed in my eyes. My older sister Francesca mysteriously vanished a few months ago.

The voices were back. My fathers guards were advancing. My heart started to race as I realised they were getting closer. I realised there was nowhere to go so I ran about tears running down my face. A tear slipped down my cheek and into the sapphire blue river below me. As if by magic I turned around to see stepping stones rising from the water and leading around the back of the waterfall.

Without second thought, I jumped on Skye and made for the waterfall. As she stepped on the stones they vanished so I knew we were safe behind the waterfall.

The outlines of the soldiers were just visible through the curtain of water. I watched as they re-mounted their horses and were gone. A wave of relief traveled through my body. I jumped of the horse and took her reins. As I walked around what seemed to be the base of an old volcano I saw something in the distance. Was that a girl? I cautiously moved closer towards her. Her hair was a silky blonde and her skin pale and pasty, much like mine. She turned around to look at me, still to far away to make out who I was. Our eyes met and I knew who I was looking at. The bright blue eyes, long blonde hair I just knew. “Francesca?” I said dropping the rains and running. “What are you doing here?i thought you were gone!”

“Bea!” She said her eyes glittering. “What are you doing here! You need to leave now before..”

Her face gave me a bad gut feeling and then darkness fell upon the cave. Something was wrong. Really wrong I knew it. And it was bad. Really Really bad

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