
She opens her eyes to a blur. Screeching fills her ears so loud that she winces in agony. She is confused and in a daze, she can’t even remember where she was going. A liquid, both cool and warm, drips down her face and almost into her mouth. She reaches up to wipe it but her arm is stuck. She tastes bitterness, it’s blood. She tries to look down at her arm but can barely move her head without sharp needles shooting up her spine. She feels around with her fingers, it feels hot. All of a sudden she can smell an unfamiliarly sweet stench, her hand is burning. The thick smell floods into her nostrils like a toxic gas. She forgets the pain in her spine and yanks her arm free. She clenches her shirt at her stomach, her hand feels icy. Finally, her vision starts to recover. The blurry lineless shapes are forming into objects and the screeching in her ears falls silent. She can’t hear a thing. The silence is unforgiving and calming all at once. As tears start barreling out of her eyes, they clear away the dirt and dust that was clogging her vision. It is the dead of night. Flashes of light spark up and then disappear in the distance. She still cannot remember where she was going. She is laying on her back and can feel glass crunching beneath her every movement. She reaches out and feels a recognizable softness, immediately realizing where she is. Her car is upside down and she is laying on what used to be the windshield. Panicking, she tries to move again but can’t. Her head feels locked between two metal clamps as if she’s being held on a workbench in someone’s garage. She panics intensively and suddenly can’t fill her lungs with any more air. She feels herself suffocating in her own hysteria and once again cannot see, as her vision narrows and eventually blackens. Suddenly, she is transported. She is walking in the greenest field on the sunniest day. The ground beneath her sends shockwaves up through her bare feet that immediately relax her. The shadow of a person she cannot make out motions her closer and she begins feeling warmth and peacefulness. She doesn't know who this person is, but she knows she can trust them. They are more nurturing than a mother and fonder than a loved one. She takes the shadow’s hand and begins walking with them. The ground disappears and she is floating in nothingness. No grass, no sky, only white can be seen. The shadow is no longer a veracious being and an unsettledness fills her body. When she attempts to free her hand, the shadow’s grip tightens and their speed accelerates. She wakes up. Again, she lies on her back in confusion and again, she reaches out to discover she is in her overturned car. This time, she does not panic. Still unable to move her head, she scans her panoramic view with her eyes. Surveying only what she can see, she realizes the current danger around her. The fire that was burning her hand is now angrily approaching her right leg and she can see a clear liquid dripping on her left. Without moving her head, she attempts to scoot her body sideways through the left side of the car. The back of her scalp drags and scrapes across piles of glass and she can feel the shards entangling in her hair. The fire roars to her right, growing in magnitude and ferocity. Reaching over and grabbing onto the car seat with her burnt hand, she pulls herself halfway through the window. Her face feels the cold, wetness of the grass beside her car and she stops, lying face down trying to collect every bit of strength she has left to pull her legs out of the car. She army-crawls about three feet and falls. Her arms are numb and her brain can’t instruct them how to move. She feels the fire barely past her toes and knows it is inching closer to the clear liquid steadily dripping. With all the fortitude she has left, she crawls some yards away until she feels a safe distance from the flaming vehicle. As her head and limbs drop to the grass in exhaustion, the car is engulfed in flame and smoke. Her body shakes as a wave of force erupts and for the last time, her vision blackens.

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