
I was unable to breathe from laughing so hard. Moments prior, we had stumbled through the downtown streets of Miami in the comfortable February warmth, back to our separate hotel rooms.

Only we didn't go into our separate rooms.

For a brief second after you entered yours, I expected you to bid me good night and to find myself longingly staring at a closed door. Instead, the door opened wider before me and you beckoned me inside.

The swirl of drunken jokes we had been cracking on our walk from the bar continued to bubble in my brain and soon I was erupting again into a fit of giggles that devolved quickly into us both bent over in hysterical laughter.

In an attempt to steady my breath, I flopped down on the hotel couch. You sat opposite of me, trying unsuccessfully to pour glasses of wine while still cry-laughing yourself. More wine covered the end table than made it into each glass.

Cue more eruptions of laughter.

With a few shakey steadying breaths, I calmed down enough to sit up and accept the wine soaked glass you offered me.

Glasses clinked as we locked eyes.

"I haven't had this much in years" I thought to myself as a smile spread across my lips and was mirrored by your smile back at me.

I took a sip of wine and heaved a pregnant sigh.

We both knew what was happening here. What we both wanted to be happening.

I had never met your wife, and you had never met mine. But I knew in this moment that the phantom of both of them were in this room with us. Reminding us of reality. Reminding us that what was swirling in our minds was forbidden.

The distance between our bodies grew smaller as you crept closer to me so that we were both facing the piece of cheap, generic hotel art displayed before us. A passerby would see us and think that we were considering it.

But what we were really considering was what to do with the palpable electricity in the air.

I feel your breath on my ear.

"Listen...I don't know what you're thinking but - "

I don't give you the chance to finish your sentence before my mouth is on yours. Adrenaline surges through my body as I simultaneously ride the high of finally feeling you this intimately, and panic over my breach of morality.

I can't stop myself. And you do quite the opposite of pulling away.

Despite all logic and consequence, I let myself feel all of you completely. And it feels so good.

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