A Night In The Aquarium.

Kathy’s dad worked night shifts at the aquarium. Every now and then he would bring Kathy with him and they would see all the animals and have lots of fun.This night was no different,Kathy’s mum dropped her off at 8.30pm.she would rush into her dads arms and give him a big hug.Her dad was called Dugg, he was a tall,normal man who had a family of 3. They both hurried along to see their favourite animals like sharks,turtles and penguins. But there was one animal which they have never visited, it was the blob-fish. But this was about to change. After 35 minutes of running around and enjoying their time at the Aquarium. They got a bit bored. So they decided to finally visit the blob-fish. They went up to it and both laughed at the way it looked. Then it spoke,The blob fish SPOKE! It said” what are you laughing at huh?”

They both gasped in shock.

“How, how are you talking?” Kathy said.

I was born this way, that’s why no one ever comes to see me, they hear me speak and then they run away.”

“Oh well we’re not going to do tha-“ as soon as she was saying this Dugg started running, and running, and running. Kathy shouted”DAD COME BACK HES NOT GOING TO DO ANYTHING!”

Dugg looked back at his daughter. He slowly came closer until he was at the tank again.

The blob fish spoke again”wimp”

Kathy laughed, Dugg frowned.

“What do you want?” Asked Dugg.

“Nothing really, well I suppose I could use some company every now and then but don’t feel like you have to stay”

“We will stay” shouted Kathy.

The blob fish smiled. Then got out what looked like a potion, cracked the glass and killed Dugg and Kathy. The end. No that’s not what really happened. A night long they told each other story’s and laughed until it came to the morning. Kathy was already alseep but Dugg has bonded over this time with Jim.that was the blob fish’s name by the way.From then on Dugg and Kathy visited the blob fish every day. The end, for real now.

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