Mountain Ghoul

We were surrounded by piles of corpses covered in blood and wounds. Her russet hair drifted in the wind, revealing her angered expression. She stood five meters away from me but I could still feel her glaring into my soul.

“We need a plan.” She said, strictly.

“I thought you had one?” I tied my long hair into a ponytail.

“I did, but it seems it hasn’t worked. So we’ll need a new one, and we’ll have to hurry because the ghouls might smell the flesh and come.” She took a couple steps towards me and reached out her hand.

“What? What’s up with your hand?” I asked.

“Give me your grenade.” She demanded.

“Hell no. We’re going through the mountains since “you don’t have a plan”. Besides we can set up camp in the mountains and the ghouls won’t notice.”

“Distracting them and escaping will be the better option. The ghouls might smell the blood on our clothes and kill us.” She argued.

“Yeah, but what if they hear the grenade? We’ll be dead meat.” I protested

“Fine.” She paused “Then I’ll go kill them with my machetes.”

“There are too many of them. You won’t be able to handle them on your own.” I said.

“You can’t tell me what to do.” She started walking to the direction of the ghouls’ cave.

“What are you talking about? I’m just stating facts.” I raised my voice.

She kept on walking over the piles of dead bodies, ignoring me.

“Stop.” I said, my voice strict.

She was about 10 meters away from me now.

“Stop walking!” I tried again but it was no use.

“Rinoa Phillips!” I yelled.

She halted and stood there without even turning around.

“Why can’t you just trust me? I know what’s best for us.” I said.

She turned around, glaring at me.

“Yeah and why’s that? Let me guess. Is it because you served the queen which was my mom? But guess what. She’s dead! And it’s all because of you!”

“Me! Ha! So now it’s my fault? Your mom was the one who wanted to sacrifice all those poor lives in order to “fend off the ghouls” or whatever! You didn’t even do anything then! You just sat there in your pretty little dress in your luxury room eating five star meals and not giving a shit about what was happening to the rest of the kingdom!”

Rinoa stared at me, shocked.

“I see how it is. Maybe if I’m such a burden it wouldn’t mean anything to you if I died. Now excuse me while I go save our asses.” She turned around and walked off.

“Good luck with getting killed!!” I shouted.

I was alone now. Surrounded by a bunch of stinky corpses. I looked up to the darkening sky and thought I should probably set up camp. So I did.

It’s been hours since Rinoa left. I hope she’s okay. I shouldn’t have yelled at her.

I was getting unbearably hungry since she took all of the food supplies. So I decided to go hunt. I packed up my water, knife, gun, ropes, and flare gun and set off to the mountains.

Some time had passed and I was on the mountains, searching for food. I held my gun and kept my knife in my back pocket. Suddenly I heard a twig snap to my right. I readjusted my gun to the place where the sound had come from and sneaked closer to it. But I didn’t see an animal. I saw Rinoa lying on the ground. She was covered in dirt and her clothes were ripped.

“Rinoa! Are you okay?” I put away my gun. I came closer to pick her up but she was unconscious.

“Rinoa I was so worried I-“ I paused in shock. Her leg. Her leg was gone. Torn off by a pair of sharp teeth.

“Curse those damn ghouls.” I said in a quiet voice being careful not to attract any ghouls. I tore a piece of my shirt off and bandaged her leg. I picked her up and carried her down the mountain. It was hard and I was getting tired. My back was in pain so I put down Rinoa and decided to have a break. I took out my water and poured it into Rinoa’s mouth and then I drank. But then, out of nowhere, stood a ghoul right in front of us.

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