I Wish To Be No Longer Human

I wish to be No Longer Human

Mine has been a life of much shame.

To me, Humans are not easy to understand–

Because instead of wanting to set the world aflame,

They want to mold it into something grand.

Indeed, losing faith in humanity

Is not something one takes pride in.

How can people deny we’re falling into insanity and vanity

When when refused, we immediately drown into chagrin?

Mine has been a life of hatred for my own.

Because I believe this kind to be corrupted up to the core,

And instead of believing death is the only way to atone,

They continue to live like before.

And it is shameful to think that way.

Wishing death upon all and every I come across.

I hope Humans would just give up and decay–

Yet they seem to stubbornly stick around like moss.

Mine has been a life of much shame;

Because I really want to set the human race aflame.

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