Write a story from two different perspectives, paralleling each other in one event.

The pair of characters should ideally be connected, like a killer and a victim.

Jade And Daisy

A loud voice came over the speakers. “I request Jade Foster to my office” Mrs Evens’ voice blared inside my head.

Groaning I pulled my earphones out and shoved them into my pocket, why did this always happen?

Getting up from my comfy spot in the library I pulled on my boots, what? It’s more comfy to have your shoes off when you relaxing.

Grabbing my bag I started to walk, as usual all heads turned to stare at me. I seriously don’t know why they think I’m so lucky being royalty.

Gosh if they only knew how much work it was. “What?” I called at a bunch of second years. “I’m not that cool”.

Well maybe I was lying about that, I am pretty cool. Finally after what felt like forever I emerged into the corridor in which Mrs Evans’ office was in.

Like always she heard my footsteps and call me in, “ Jade, come in”. Turning the door handle I heard a voice which didn’t belong to Mrs Evens.

It was a girls voice, one i didn’t recognise. “Jade, I’d like you to meet Daisy, she’s a new student who just transferred here.

Oh god what does Mrs Evens what with me now. Oh well I get it’s better than being in trouble right? Honestly I don’t care but my mum does, she’s obsessed with my grades and my future, good grades make everyone happier, she always says.

“Hi!” Daisy’s voice broke me out of my trance.

“Hi..” I replied in a non caring voice.

“Jade…..” Mrs Evens’ put on a warning tone.

“Right gosh sorry, Hi” I said trying had not to sound sarcastic while I said it.

“Anyway, why i called you here Jade, is because I think you’d like to show Daisy around right?” She gave me a warning look, almost daring me to say no.

“Ha! Sure… sounds like fun! We’ll have a ball”

“Thankyou Jade” Mrs Evens’ voice almost seemed thrilled..


Hi I’m Daisy, I’m transferring into a new school today! I’m super excited!

“Daisy! Breakfast is ready!” Mums voice jolted me as I run downstairs.

“Oooh yum! Croissants!” My mouth was already watering with the look of it.

After breakfast mum made sure I had everything I needed.

“Come on, we need to leave”.

When we arrived at school I was suddenly overcome with nerves.

“ it’ll be ok sweetie” mum gave me an encouraging smile.”I’ll see you at the end of the day”.

“Bye mum, love you.” When I have her a hug I wanted it to last forever.

There, now I’m in the principals’s office meeting Jade Foster.

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