Rich Choices

Harold Fitzgerald always had an odd way about his choices, and his sixth marriage showed his best traits.

Number six, Winny, married him in under a month. No wonder his relatives called the marriage a manipulative sham. She was 40 years younger, fit as an instagram thot, and quickly found herself the heiress to an estate without even asking.

Her husband’s family found everything about her appalling, except for his sons when they walked in at lunch to eat to their father. They found her daily yoga routine appealing in ways that showed they cared for very little other than the estate.

His kids called her a money digging whore among themselves. His daughter was especially angry given the woman was about her age.

All of this made Winny feel unwelcome. On a usual basis, they would ignore her as much as possible. All she wanted was a chance to show that she actually cared for their father.

“They’ll get over it eventually,” he reassured her. He said that line so many times she started mocking him as he said it.

“Why don’t you make your daughter the heir?”

“I just want to make sure you’re taken care of, dear. You can do with it as you wish when I’m dead. They need to make it on their own. I told them as much growing up.”

The conversation happened in different ways until a few short years later when he found himself on machines in his own home. She spent hours in his room waiting for his children, but she was the only one there to keep him company except for the weekly calls from his daughter.

On March 23rd, three years after their marriage, she was walking up to his room when their live in nurse met her on the steps.

“I’m sorry, Miss Fitzgerald. He died last night. He asked for a closed casket. Also, that his body be kept from you after death. I’m so sorry.”

After the funeral, her step sons came to house to check up on her. She hoped that they might finally keep her as a family member, but they had something different in mind.

“A settlement?”

“Yes. We’d like our share of the family estate.”

Remembering her dead husband’s words, she said, “No. it’s not what your father wanted. He told me as much.”

“Then you leave us no choice. Rob, bind her.”

They surrounded Winny, holding her down, one took a rope as from under a cushion in the house. She screamed, but to no avail. After they tied her wrists and ankles, they placed duck tape over her mouth.

They threw her in her own Lamborghini’s trunk and took her for a ride. When they opened the trunk, they threw her on the ground. She heard the sea.

“No, John, we shouldn’t be doing this.”

“It’s too late now. Stop being a coward, Jr.”

They tied a rope to her bound feet, put her in the driver’s seat, and put a cinderblock on her feet after tying them to the gas petal. They put a few block in front of the tires to stop it from coasting in park.

“I see you can keep the block up now, but you’ll get tired eventually. I’m sorry, it’s just business.” Turning back, he said, “Common, boys. Let’s get out of here.”

Winny stared out the windshield. The car aimed at a cliff, and she guessed it fell into the sea. She tried to work her way out of the ropes, but they tied them tight. Her legs were fit enough to keep it up for hours.

As her legs were about to give way, the driver’s door opened. “Miss me, sweetheart?” Harold bent down to lift the cinderblock off of her feet with red and blue flashing lights behind him.

As soon as she was untied and safe, she hugged him, kissed him, then pulled back to jab him in the eye.

“Ow, that was a nice of you.” He held his eye.

“I thought you were dead! And your sons are as insane as you!” She fell to the ground, crying. “I just want my bed.”

“And don’t worry. We already got them. That’s how we found you.”

“I want a divorce.”

“I figured as much.”

His sons went to prison for attempted murder and conspiracy to commit murder. They plead not guilty. The judge found them funny.

The two lived together after the divorce until his real death. She found him on the carpet outside the master bathroom. He grabbed the vacuum handle when he felt a heart attack in the middle of the night. It had snapped in his hand.

It all went to the daughter in the end. She even held Winny’s hand at the funeral.

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