Write a difficult conversation between two characters without using any dialogue tags.
Dialogue tags describe the speech - 'he whispered', 'she murmered', 'they said' etc. Removing these indicators will encourage you to make the dialogue speak for itself, instead of relying on tags to describe and clarify the intent behind the words.
Knowing Too Much
“In the morning... it will be better. I promise”
“ You can’t promise that. Lying to me won’t fix anything.”
“ It can’t get worse. I hope”
“Well don’t jinx it. Listen I love you but I refuse to hold these secrets any longer. It’s burden I can’t carry I just-“
“ No don’t say that. It’ll be okay. It’ll be okay. Just wait till morning please.”
“ I can’t. I won’t. I’m sorry you just know too much I can’t handle it anymore”
“ How do you think I feel?! I live with this everyday!”
“ Forget then”
“ Hey? Do you know where I am? I seem to be lost my name is Killian, and yours?”
“It doesn’t matter, I’m lost too. Good luck Killian. Bye.”