
Submitted by Aaron G. Wolfe

"They were gone. All of them, just like that."

Write a story using the prompt as the first line.

Where did all the heroes go?

They were gone. All of them, just like that.

Capes of all colors fell upon the ground like a parade that no one attended.

There was silence, but somewhere a smile gleamed on the face of the wicked.

Not one was left to fight, to stand up for what they believed was right.

Where did all the heroes go?

Children abused, neglected, their minds perversely affected.

They can’t trust their teachers, the police, their parents even.

Small faces look up to the skies to find blank spaces.

They wonder, where did all the heroes go?

People in politics, in business, in schools, in the streets

In houses, the church, at work, everywhere you can see

Watching evil be done all while knowing what is right

Clench their fist but then keep their mouths shut tight

They continuously fail to do what’s right

Everyone is worried what the other will say

Bow their heads to falsely pray

Never caring unless it’s their day

So tell me, where did all the heroes go?

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