The Girl in The Window

As she gazed at the stars that twinkled in the sky of glitter above, a young girls eyes shon brighter than the sun longing to go outside. The girl in the window so lonely so sad never allowed to go outside of her home, but she sat on her window seat every night until the stars shon brighter and the moon dominated the dark sky, then she would go to begin her short slumber.

Her only friend the man in the moon, and the young boy that would wave to her every morning. At 9 o’clock on Saturdays and Sunday’s and the rest of the week at 8 on his way to school. He would throw the paper into a basket and a loaf of bread or sometimes a cake, she would wind it up and put in an apple and a poem. Everyday it would be a new poem some about hopes and dreams some about rainbows and summer. But through time the boy noticed something, they seemed to be getting shorter and sadder.

“ I spend my time waving and writing at my window sill

A petite girl always smiling a mask I will never lose,

As I spend my time wishing for more I seem

To be losing hope

Love is not a possibility

And my patience is growing short.

I long for a day an hour a minute when I’m not locked in a cell

The mask, my favourite hides the pain

As I long for more”

That was the last poem the boy ever read before she disappeared a week a month or more went by and no sign of her, the boy knocked at the door, not a sound not a whisper not even a creek, he walked inside the girls room was empty nothing but a bed a drawing and her window seat, he looked around till he found a note,

“Hello, boy I know yet not your name do not worry I have run away I hope we will meet another day but my life is nothing but a dream that I will finally fulfil, I wish the best for you and I hope we meet again.” The boy found a ribbon she would always wear in her hair and tied it to his wrist

Years went by there memories faded but the boy never took of the ribbon, there older now with jobs and a fresh new degree from university and yet they’ve never reunited till one day the boy now a man saw a beautiful woman in a coffee house, a red ribbon in her hair and a cute little dress, instantly he ran inside took her by the hand and reached for an old crumpled piece of paper he read it out, and instantly she realised, they wrapped there arms round each other and never let go!

Friends reunited, pain forgotten and love blossoms

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