Typical Tuesday

"Coach" "Coach" "Coach" - from 4 different directions. Two soon-to-be 3 year-olds tugging on my shirt. "She took my stuffy. It’s my turn - I am sitting.” As I look over and their bottom is clearly up off of their sit down space...

Finding 3 more under 6-year olds cantapulting themselves off the edge of too tall of mats onto too hard of landings. "Watch me. I can do it better" from the top of a ladder rope.

Looking down at the death grip little hand on my hands while walking to the next station - best I could do was remind them. "No do good stamps if we are not using good listening."

Like magic, the students almost froze. Who knew a stamp pad and old beat up stamps used millions of times world calm the storm. Boy was I grateful!

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