Submitted by ivy luna

Write a story from the perspective of a character who has just done something horrible, and is trying to justify their actions.


“I SAID WE’RE DIVORCING NO MATTER WHAT!” A man shouted as he pushed his wife. She fell down the stairs with her head landed on the floor. Blood flooded around her and she stopped breathing. She is dead, accidentally killed by the man.

“Oh n-no, what should I do?!?” The man said in panic. He was demanding for divorce with his wife and she strongly denied his request, but now she’s dead and it was his fault. The man quickly thinks for a solution, should he bury her body? Or should he turn himself in to the police? He concluded that he should said it was an accident and she fell on her own. He then called the police.

“Hello, how can we help you?” The police on the other side said.

“My wife died, she accidentally fell off the stairs with her head landed on the floor.” I lied with a panicked tone and fake sound of tears.

“We will call the ambulance for you, we will come as fast as possible.” The police said.

The man waited patiently for the ambulance and police while thinking of what to say. As the ambulance arrived, a few man urgently rushed to the dead woman and lift the body on the ambulance. Then come the police, they asked what happened and the man said what he have prepared to say.

“We were discussing about our divorce, she was so depressed that she accidentally fell down the stairs.” I said. Few police man comforted him for his lost, others examined the scene. He thought that this case will be over soon and he could escape from the punishment of his actions, but he was wrong. A lot of evidence from the scene proved that he pushed her down. He was imprisoned for years and died in the prison because of a riot.

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