A bank teller has just been approached by a masked man with a gun, demanding all the money. Luckily, they’ve watched a lot of crime dramas...

The Best Day Ever

I collapsed onto my couch, exhausted. It was nearly midnight.

The day was absolutely insane.

It had started out normal and suddenly became one of my best memories.

It all started when a masked man with a gun had exploded in through the doors…

“I’m going to say it one last time, UNLOCK THE SAFE AND GIVE ME THE MONEY!!” He had yelled, holding up the gun.

I acted frantic as I pretended to search for the key, which was in my pocket.

I quickly thought of a plan, grab the man’s gun, and get one of the petrified people behind the robber call the cops while I hold him at gun point, finally all my knowledge from police movies and criminal dramas would pay off.

“I-I got it!” I said, “Good, now UNLOCK THE SAFE.”

Swiftly, I snatched the gun away from him.

“And what if I don’t want to?”

I wasn’t sure, but judging by the robbers silence(and how quickly he help up his hands), I guessed he hadn’t expected that.

I made a signal to a woman cowering near the back wall and she grabbed her phone out of her purse.



I watched as the now unmasked man was shoved into the police car, glaring at me.

“That was awesome, how you handled that robbery.” The woman(who’s name was Cristi)said to me, I shrugged, embarrassed, “I watch a lot of movies about crime, so I just followed in the hero’s footsteps.” “Well you did an amazing job.”

I smiled and looked around at the crowd around the bank. My smile faltered for a moment.

“Hey, uh, do you wanna- maybe want to go out to dinner with me?” Cristi asked sheepishly, my smile brightened up again, “I’d love that,”

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