(**Content warning things may get mature themes 17+)**

There once was a 5 year old girl named Melly Garner who was a beauty pageant star. A star who used to shine brighter than everyone else. She always won. But now that she’s 15 the market doesn’t want her anymore not even modeling agency’s. She starts spiraling down hill. She looks in the mirror at her body everyday. Wondering why no agencies want her as an employee. She annaylizes her features and realizes very small details that might make her unappealing to these agency’s. She has a ton of acne, a protruding nose and paper thin lips. There is a ton more of stuff she find wrong with herself for example her body shape. She starts to feel discouraged. She’s desperately trying to become relavent again. Soon this young teenage girl resorted to stripping at strip clubs for fame. She had no dignity. She’d do anything even if that meant pole dancing in front of creppy old men. They’d throw money at her. If a ton of money gets thrown to her in one night she’ll increase the intensity of her stripping stunts. This young teen had no self respect all she wanted was fame and money.

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