Art by Sans @

Write a Halloween-inspired story or poem which includes this character.

Gumdrop Rain

Pink umbrella in hand, a girl skipped down the road. Her brown hair slid down her shoulders, bright pink T-shirt adorning her shoulders. Her left hand, which held a brown basket full of candy, was swinging side to side. With a peaceful expression she skipped down the street.

With hurried steps she scurried down the road. Her yellow stalkings reflected onto the golden wet pavement. With a swing of her wrist she flicked her basket into the air. Her gumdrop candy glinted as they rose, falling back down before even leaving the basket. Throwing her head back she stared up at the dark grey sky as its tears poured down.

She took a deep breath while admiring the beauty around her. Humming a small tune, she continued on her way. Rainwater sprayed as her heels hit the ground when suddenly, the sound of steps echoed in her ears.

Startled, she whipped her head around, staring at the figure before her. He stood silently in the downpour, holding up only an umbrella. His skin glinted greenish-white, if what was there could be called skin. With only two white globes for eyes, and a hole for a nose he seemed to stare deep into her soul.

They stood there silently when without a warning, the girl gave a smile. She tossed aside her basket letting it fall to the ground. The gumdrops clinked and clanked as their pastel shells hit the ground, blending into the falling water like gumdrop rain.

“I’ve been waiting.”

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