“I warned my brother that not everyone liked his practical jokes.”
Write a story beginning with this sentence.
I warned my brother that not everyone liked his practical jokes. I’m not sure why he didn’t believe me, or why he didn’t take me seriously. At this point I should be use to this, but unfortunately I am not. For a while me and my brother haven’t gotten along, but I always try to look out for him. See a few years ago, we got placed in a bad situation. We already didn’t have much growing up, but what happened all those years ago really changed everything for the both of us. To some extent I didn’t expect for things to stay the same, but on another level; I kind of hoped they would have remained the same. I can remember a time where my brothers jokes were funny and a time when we actually got along. I honestly cannot even remember the exact moment that our relationship started to fall apart, it seemed as if it happened overnight. In all honesty, I think it did because I remember one day we were talking and the next it was like a nightmare.
It’s crazy how one moment you are like best friends with a person, and then the next it’s as if you had never met. I find it so ironic, but at the same time it’s kind of perfect because if that person you once thought you knew is actually not who you thought they were; then, don’t you have the opportunity to become someone new? That chance to start over sometimes isn’t the worse imaginable thing in life, if anything it may be better. However, sometimes you don’t want a change, and you want to be the same person you were before life got complicated. At least that’s what I want, I want to laugh at my brothers jokes. I want us to get along and be able to have those long conversations that we use to have when everything was alright. Because now to think that we don’t even talk, unless money is involved; is really depressing. What kind of life have we decided to live? And why are we both so stubborn? How, life’s so short and even though we both know that, we don’t acknowledge that at any moment either one of us could vanish from the earth. Instead of confronting one another about the elephant in the room, we just walk on by as if nothing has happened. That’s sad right? Like wow, someone who you grew up with and now y’all can’t even sit in a room and talk. Now all he does to get through life is makes jokes, but his jokes are no longer funny. Many people ask him why he never takes things seriously, and sometimes I sit and wait for him to answer. However, usually he never does, well at least not while I am in the room. It’s almost as if he’s terrified to speak around me, and at this point I actually believe he is terrified.