The Kiss

“Si..?” Percy murmured, staring in horror at the boy he called his lover.

Simon tore himself away from the girl, shoving her hands and lips away from him. “Percy! It’s not what it looks like, I swear!”

With tears of hurt welling up in his eyes, Percival spun on his heel and stormed out of the house. He broke into a run, beelining for his home despite the distance.

“Percy! Stop! Listen to me!”

Curse Simon’s ability to run. “I’m not speaking to you, Simon! Leave me alone!” Percy snapped, aggressively wiping his tears from his freckled cheeks.

“I promise you, it wasn’t my fault! She made me do it!” Simon pleaded, nearly crying as well.

“It’s her fault you kissed her back? Just admit you love her and that you don’t love me.”

“I do love you! I really, truly, do! Her father is going to marry her off to a cruel man, and she was afraid. I told her I couldn’t marry her in his place, and she kissed me. I pitied her,” Simon explained, now moving to block Percy’s path.

“Your heart is too big for your own good.” Percy kept his gaze firmly at his feet. Simon rested his hand on his shoulder.

“I am sorry, Percy. It was never meant to happen, and it never will again.”

“Am I not enough? I do not fill you up enough. I do not take up all the space in your heart, do I?” Percy said, eyes still fixed on the ground, tears coming slower. Betrayal morphed into anger.

“No! That’s not it! Of course you are enough! No one can bring me joy like you!”

“Give it up, Simon,” Percy spat, finally meeting Simon’s charcoal gaze. “Genevieve knows now, that we are this way. She’ll be quick to tell her father, and our names will be tarnished for good.”


“It’d be best if we did not speak anymore.”

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