
I remember them. Bailey with her dusty blonde hair, Luke’s was the blue of ocean and Lyra’s the purple of lavenders. Naomi however, her hair was a swamp green.

Their hair reflects their personalities and makes them well.. them.

It’s difficult to comprehend what happened on that day. October 30th 1983. We had collected sweets from every house, giggling all the way home. We stopped outside of Bailey’s house unable to decide whether to go on an adventure or not.

I convince the others to leave our sweets inside and go explore the woods. All the adults say that it’s haunted. Luke and Lyra walk hand in hand, skipping down the street. It’s hard to believe ANYONE would give their kids matching names, but oh well.

The trees twist sharply, wickedly. Leaves wilt, green replaced by crimson. I can’t help but laugh when I see how panicky Bailey seems. “Pleaaaaaaaaaaaaaaasssssse!!” I whine. She lets out a sigh, muttering something incoherent. All I hear from her is a ‘fine.’

We continue walking, listening for small noises. Alert as I am, I still find it fun. Oo’s and ah’s come from bushes, trees, corners. My eyes dart back and forth following the noise.

An opalescent shape crosses my vision. “Hello?” My voice echoes in my head. I’m sure the rest of the group believe I’m going insane. It flies around the trees as I follow in pursuit. “HELLO!!” It yells into my ear. I groan. “Ow!” I rub at my ear as it apologises profusely.

My friends arrive looking between me with a strange bewilderment.

That night was something I will never forget. A night where I stayed up. My mother and father drove endlessly.

We got told I had to be evaluated. Since then I’ve been locked in this cage. A… mental hospital they call it?

I’ve seen plenty of what I call “ghosts” since then. Not all of them are nice, but I know just how to fix that.

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