Sorry For This (Random BS)

I can’t

I can’t do this anymore. I am tired of everything. I am so out of place right now. I don’t feel happy, sure I will laugh at the things my classmates do or say.

Sure, my heart skips a beat when the girl I like looks at me but I feel none of it. I feel numb. I think I might be in depression again. I have been getting more and more silent and zoning out often. I feel no pleasure in the things I used to like to do.

My thoughts cloud my mind and overcome all my feelings. Overthinking everything that I did and do. You know video games? I like doing those. Not anymore. I use them to distract my mind but… they don’t do that anymore! I feel like my world is in black and white right now. Yet there are so many reasons I should be happy. But I just can’t be.

I don’t know whats wrong with me! I just wish my pain would just go away. I wish people cared enough to truly ask me if I was ok! I hate this! Man… anger building, patience diminishing, coldheartedness coming, kindness struggling to remain. I don’t even know why I am writing this. Ugh… whatever, I’ll just deal with it. I don’t need anyone anyway.


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