Pulling up in your driveway, you notice your front door is ajar. No one should be home, but you have a sinking feeling you know who's intruded...

Continue this story.

Story Of Kidnapping

NOTE:This story is going to be continue on my wattspad Olive_Icha

Sally was driving home she was tried Sally was partying with her friends tonight but Sally got struck driving them home because she wasn’t the only one who drinking at the party but Sally didn’t complain about it though

Sally then parked her car in the driveway she was going to get her car keys and get out of the car but she then the front door was opened a bit “uncle and auntie aren’t home yet so who’s in the house?” Sally asked her self then hear footsteps Sally then got her pocket knife and got down in her car holding her knife tightly

“Andy you got that lady necklace?” Someone asked “yeah you got that guys money and watch?” Someone else asked “yeah Chase Zoey let’s go!” Someone yelled Sally just waited for them to leave but one of them saw her car “Boss this car wasn’t here before” Zoey said pointing out the car to them “Damn it those old bats got someone living with them?” Danny said angrily then through about it “you know what steal whatever you can find from the car” Danny said

“Alright boss” both Chase and Zoey said then looked at the car seeing it’s a hybrid red car “it’s a nice car for the old bats to pay for” Zoey said “yeah they must have stolen it” Chase said Sally listen to their conversation from the inside of the car trying not to move or be notice by them “old bats auntie and uncle are in their fourthly” Sally said in her head a few minutes go by and Sally’s in their van mouth covered and hands tie because she moved a bit away from a spider and they caught her

“She kind of looks like that old man” Zoey said looking at Sally’s face seeing Sally’s a beauty from her ice blue eyes to her dark brown hair “stop looking at her Zoey it’s getting weird” Chase said getting a romantic vibe “oh shut up Chase!” Zoey said getting annoyed

“You two shut up...both annoying” the “boss” said “boss what we’re going to do to the girl?” Andy asked “I be honest” they said not that sure they then had stop because of the red light “finally a break” Zoey said stop covering Sally’s mouth getting something some the back “their going to come to me!” Sally said “shut up!” They said getting annoyed fast by Sally’s voice they had took a glance at the traffic light seeing it was turning “you got it Zoey?” They asked “yes boss” Zoey said then put it on Sally’s mouth then the red light turned green cars started driving again to their position....

(To be continue on wattspad)

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