Write a scene where something chaotic is happening.
The Doctor's Morning Routine
Large feathers of vibrant, cool gradients swept across the rows of jars bearing perfectly-orbic eyeballs of of various shapes and sizes, preserved in an unknown humectant fluid.
A distorted visage flitted by the cylindrical reflection of the moldy-green glass jar.
The Doctor smiled into the glass, greeting it with a cordial 'hello~' and 'good morning~' while tapping the floating eyeballs in a teasing yet endearing manner.
His white-gloved hand ran along the shelves with the flamboyant feathered duster in a loose hold by the crooks of his fingers, as if it would slip out at any second, while his black-gloved hand stroked the small cranium of a skeletal rodent specimen.
Dressed in a clean, white lab coat, the aptly-named 'Docter' hummed a strange tune that no man could name, an erractic, discordant melody flowing from his lips. As he carried out his daily routine, his pitch rose and fell at irregular intervals.
Finishing the maintenance of his dear companions on the shelves, his sleek, black dress shoes stepped up and down the steps of the ladder to clean the three heads mounted upon the dilapidated walls fostering colonies upon colonies of moss, fungi, and bacteria in its endless gaps.
The Doctor first stopped by 'Mr. Fox' with a small, wooden brush in his hand.
"Hello, how are you doing today, Mr. Fox? You know, those livers you sold to me yesterday were not as delictible, nor as fresh, as you claimed. Please, do not hold against me if there comes a time in the near future where I do not brush your lovely hair as nicely as usual."
Then, he moved onto 'Mr. Bear', holding a paper bag with a vial of an unknown liquid inside.
"Good day, Mr. Bear. Yesterday, I heard from a little bird that you were feeling unwell? Please, take this medicine I have crafted especially for you. I can guarantee that is made from one hundred percent authentic human tongue—most suitable for a 'get well soon' homebrew."
Last but not least, 'Mr. Wolf' was paid a visit, offered a gray, wilting flower into his hair.
"Mr. Wolf, what a lovely morning we have here. I am deeply regretful that I could not bring the rest of your family here with you, however, you need not worry—there are plenty of good, kind people here that would be ecstatic to make your acquaintance. I am sure you will find someone to your liking, and I hope to see you back to your usual, confident self tomorrow."
With the final wall mount cleaned and adjusted to perfection, the Doctor took a step back to soak in the camaraderie of his old friends and newfound companions. He stood in the center of the room, flanked by a cushioned operating table glowing under a cracked and industrial-white ceiling light, the sole light source of the room. His chest beneath his buttoned-up coat undulated up and down as he took deep breaths in and let deep breaths out.
There was no clock in the room, nor did any sound other than faint breaths exist.
Time passed imperceptibly, in a maddeningly-slow ocean of silence, until he finally opened his eyes.
"Good morning, everyone~ Lovely day today, isn't it?"