Submitted by Arnold Carroway
Write a scene that takes place in mid air.
It could be from anyone, or anything's, perspective.
Daredevil and the Bookworm
I clung to the side for dear life. I was terrified. I was higher than I’d ever been and was going even higher. I glanced at Sam. He was leaning over the side, actually leaning, with a massive grin on his face. He was loving it.
When he’d opened his birthday card from his parents and pulled out two tickets for a hot air balloon ride I’d groaned internally. I actually prayed, despite my non belief, for him to want to go with his brother or one of his friends. But he’d turned to me and said
“You up for it?” That stupid happy grin spread across his face. I mean, who could say no to that? It would be like saying no to a puppy.
Sam was the daredevil type, which was the exact opposite from me. He had climbed the O2, gone on the worlds highest zip wire and volunteered with tigers.
I was very good at curling up with a good book and a cup of tea. A glass of wine on a Friday night.
How we came to be in a relationship I’ll never know, I guess I was just really lucky. We met five years ago, I was running like a madwoman to catch the train and he was coming out of the station and we collided. Went on our first date that very night. Fish and chips on the beach.
The hot air balloon jerked and I looked at the pilot sharply. Sam thought it was the best thing ever.
“Woah,” He laughed “Nearly went hurtling to my death!”
He wandered over to me and put his arm around my shoulders.
“Isn’t it beautiful?” He whispered. He was right of course, once you got past the whole “omg I’m going to fall to my death” thing you really appreciated the view. The sun was setting, creating an orange glow and the lights below were twinkling like stars.
“Yeah it is.” I said softly. “But don’t think I’m ever setting foot on one of these again.”
He laughed “I’m just made up I’ve got you on it once!”