The Stalker Conversation Between Two Characters Named Luke And Emilia

Emilia: “I’m starting to think that you might know more about me than you let on.”

He gave a broad smile that showed too many teeth.

Luke: “Have you not considered that I do indeed know everything about you?”

Emilia: “No, I haven’t.”

Luke: “Well, you should because I do.”

Emilia: “Okay, tell me everything about me.”

Luke: “I know that despite you being shy and being an introvert, you actually love the attention. You just are afraid of judgment and criticism. You are a great person Emilia but you need to get better at trusting people. I try my best to be kind, respectful, and honest with you Emilia so please trust me.”

Emilia: “You are right about the attention thing. I’ll try my best to trust you more Luke, I promise. You are a kind friend to me and I really appreciate it.”

Luke: “I know, I am right. And you’re welcome, for being a good friend to you. I will do my best to help you trust me more. Because, I want us to become more than friends. I really want to get you to trust me enough to go out with me because you are the girl for me.”

Emilia: “I am?”

Luke: “Yes, you are.”

Will Emilia start trusting Luke more and say yes to going out with him? Find out in “I know the secrets that you keep” when it comes out on March 27, 2021! It is sure to be quite a interesting read!

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