Submitted by Cameron Forte.
Write a romance story about the founding of a tradition for a couple.
Traditions are a unique way of bringing couples together, whether it be tied to a holiday or not. Write about the origin of a tradition for a couple.
Do It Again
Miriam was perched, lying in wait behind the blinds by the big chair when she heard the door open. She held her breath tightly inward. This had to be perfect.
The bedroom door now swung wide and she heard her husband toss his work bag aside and then fight to get his shoes off.
Then she pounced! Arms raised, wailing like a nightmare. Naturally he fell off the bed. She laughed.
“Holy shit, Miri. What was that!?”
“Payback!” She managed through laughter.
“For what?!” He collected himself onto the bed.
“Don’t give me that, you know; for all the times you pulled the shower curtain and did your Psycho gag. So funny-neh how’s it feel?”
He paused then smirked.
“Oh now it’s on. I’ma get you back…”