Battle of Friends

“I thought you were better than this,” Victor had mumbled with tomato skin.

“I thought I could trust you,” weeped Urvi.

“I thought I loved you, you sick bastard,” Vanessa boomed quicker than a clap of lightning.

I cannot forgive myself. Ever since I learned can read the minds of others, I could not help but overhear all their thoughts. So intriguing yet terrifying. I hypothesized that if I could understand what they were truly thinking, I would be able to help them out as much as possible. Instead, I failed the three closest people I have ever met in my life.

“You’re lucky that your entire family is dead. Now, I don’t have to do the dirty work of sucking the blood-“

“Victor DeAntoine Karine! You have no right to say such words!” scolded Vanessa, who had swiftly stood up.

“YOU have no right to tell me what to say!” Victor lashed back to her. It was as if they were playing catch with each other, but instead of it being a sibling bond, it became more of a death match.

“Stop fighting, you two! Enough is enough,” Urvi firmly planted her pearly heels deep into the fuzzy rug beneath her. As innocent as she typically is, right now, she could easily rip anyone to pieces if she wanted to. Her pastel pink skin quickly became the violet of her eyes. Oh, I wish I could go back to earth, escape this dilemma I never volunteered to participate in, and just get away. It is not hard to do such a thing, is it?

“All your bickering is unbearable! Anymore of it and I’ll-“

“You’ll what, Timothy? Kill us all? Have heads so you can frame them over your fireplace back in your actual home?” Victor babyishly with sly sneer.

“VICTOR!” Vanessa shrieked louder than a dying baboon. She clenched onto my line pillow and whacked him off the top bunk.


“VICTOR!” Urvi gasped. She was about to release a waterfall. She scrambled off my bed and dove towards unconscious Victor. This is all my fault. Finding out my new ability leads to them almost killing each other. I wish I did not have hold of such powers. I wish I was not here. Vanessa flew off my bed and landed on me, thrusting me to the cold wooden floor. Her toothpick legs wrapped tightly around my abdomen, squeezing every bit of air out of my lungs. She sat directly on my diaphragm, causing me to spare every breath I had last.

“We didn’t forget about you, sir,” she hissed into my face.

“Please, I didn’t mean to,” I pleaded, hoping she would give me some mercy.

“Victor! You’re awake!” Urvi squealed. Thankfully he is ok, I hope. I do not care at all of Vanessa killed me here right now. I deserve it. For crying out loud, I was the reason her brother almost fell into a long sleep.

“You. Will. Pay.”

“I most certainly will.”

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