Inspired by Kail Cleo

Create a story by writing multiple diary entries from your character (or multiple characters intertwined).

Try to make each entry build from the last to add to the storyline. If you switch perspective, make it clear that it's someone else's journal.

Tweedle Dee

January 9th, 2014 (Eric)

The New Year has just started and people are already calling me Tweedle Dumb. I feel like a somber, pitiless acorn falling from a tree to a never ending drop. My gut is wretched and my intestines coil like some constrictor out of another continent. I haven’t even written anything this year; not one sentence. And everyone is calling Laura Tweedle Dee. We’re always walking around together on campus getting called names from every passerby. It makes me sick, absolutely sick. To top it all off, we got rained on today on the way to grab something to eat. I had forgotten my umbrella. It’s always me that has the umbrella when we get caught in the rain. I was the one that messed up. I couldn’t help but wonder if Laura had spent time on her hair that morning, and if I had ruined it. I certainly hope not. That would ruin me.

Here’s to something better,


January 9th, 2014 (Laura)

This is just the best start to a year that I have had yet. Actually, 2011 was probably the best. That was the year I met Eric. He was pouting mercilessly by a tree, sitting all alone, and I thought he just looked so funny. It was a terrifically beautiful day, and there he was summoning the dark lord with his facial expression. It was amazing. I ran up and asked what class he had first, and lo and behold, I had never heard of that class. In fact, I didn’t see him again until two semesters later. He occasionally would pass me in the hallways, or somewhere else on campus, giving me an evil eye that could have bewitched the sun into eternal darkness, and I would just laugh after he had passed. What a funny guy. But this year is almost as good as that year. I got to walk all around campus with Eric in the rain. It was absolutely amazing. My hair got wet, his hair got wet, and there were so many puddles. People had been calling us nicknames all day and it felt like we were a true pair. I just hope we end up going somewhere similar after we graduate. He feels like some part of me that I didn’t know until I met him.

We’ll see what happens,


March 14th, 2014 (Eric)

Maybe things are getting better. No, they’re not. I might fail a really important class. Well, I’d have to do really bad for three weeks in a row to drop below a solid B+. Never mind. There really aren’t too many things externally off right now. I did make Laura unhappy the other day. It drove me to drink alone under a tree far away from campus in some field. I first met her while I was sitting under a tree you know. Earlier I told her that I didn’t want to move to New York. She has some opportunities to interview for some magazines as a writer. I told her the hustle and bustle and pure filth of that city was not for me. I even knew that she had loved that place since she was a kid and I still said that. She looked completely heart broken and just stared back at me for a little while. And then she walked away. I’m back at my dorm now, and you know what? I’m thinking maybe I can learn to like New York if it means she’ll never have to feel that way again.

Feeling better now,


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