by Nick Scott @

Write a story from the viewpoint behind this image.

Tearing Veil

  • KILLED. They want those people killed. And for what, a queen who’s never seemed to care anyways? * I sighed and shifted my gaze to water below. * but then again, those people take up resources, food, water, guards. Maybe Icarian is right… * My body felt gutted, ready to break under the suns light. * And then what? Cyrana tries to get herself killed, just to save them? *

    • I can’t loose her, Lord. Please don’t let me lose her. * My eyes burned as sharp tears beaded. * There’s gotta be something I can do, anything. Maybe I should talk to Peylagious, talk some sense into to him. * I chuffed at the thought but talking to the king about his bad decisions would get me killed.

    “Rekyan?” her voice snapped me out of my thoughts. “Thought I’d find you out here.”

    I forced a small smile and shifted my gaze back to the rippling water below.

    “What’s going on?” I winced at her question, it rang my guts to think she didn't know the answer.

    I sucked in a breath, “Just trying to think.” my voice stayed as hushed as the wind.

    “Your still worried about what happened last night?” she settled onto the ledge beside me.

    • Your still worried about what happened last night? * it replayed in my mind, “I’m worried about you.” we locked eyes as I spoke.

    “Why don’t you help me? We can leave-”

    “Leave were? Outside the walls where we’ll be killed as soon we go?” She clamped her mouth shut when I interrupted her.

    Silence answered me as she averted her gaze. “My sisters are in danger, they’ll be killed.”

    • “they killed the man that betrayed our mother.” * her words pierced my thoughts. * “they killed a man…” * she looked back up at me and stiffened. She knew what I was thinking, my sour expression was enough to tell her.

    “Dont you feel anything about the situation? What about your brother? He’s gonna be killed too and you haven't spoke a single word about it.” she shifted her weight but held her narrowed eyes on mine.

    “He killed my mom, you saw what happened. I don't care what happens to the dregs. They're criminals, no matter how they're related to us.” my harsh voice rumbled through the stone we sat on as I leaned toward her. “I will not watch you suffer the same fate she did.”

    she stared, her eyes wide, her mouth hung open. She shook her head and gazed in silence at the the calm waters. “Theyre my sisters rekyan.”

    “so what? You're just gonna leave me here?”

    “I don't want to, but their my sisters I can't just abandon them.” she whispered twisting my already burning heart.

    I chuffed trying to mask the agony clawing at my gut. “Blood’s thicker than water Cyrana. They betrayed you, just as Mirron betrayed me.” my brothers name felt rank on my tongue. “I wouldn't abandon you, and I won't abandon Adious either. We’re team all of us.”

    she pushed herself to her feet and wiped a tear off her face. I winced knowing that I’d hurt her but hurting her was better than her trying to break them out again. “Yeah, I know.” she muttered before walking back towards the cabin.

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This is the opening of chapter 2 of my current WIP, THE BEST IS YET TO COME

Cyrana, the Character Rekyan (MC) is talking to, attempted to break her sisters out of the dungeons as an order has been declared that the dregs (prisoners) will be killed with the coming of the queen.

Rekyan was raised by Cyrana after his mother was tortured to death when she attempted to free her son and Rekyan's brother.

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