Write about an event from the point of view of three different characters.
The event can be anything - although try to keep it concise - and you should try to make each point of view clearly different from the others.
Guards, Victims, Dead?
Part I: Jason Strange. The victim.
I can’t take it anymore! I’ve been treated like a clown in his cell for the past six months, and now I’m desperate for freedom. I’m becoming more irritable, banging the iron bars harder than a boss slams his fist on a desk in anger. My teeth are clenched, my eyes are wide and my face is red. I began to kick the iron bars repeatedly. After a few harsh, bleeding moments of kicking, I got tired. I bent over, panting like a dog. Tired or not, I was getting out of this disgusting prison cell whether the world cares or not!
Part II: Lucky Cyrius. The guard.
I was sitting at my office desk, eating a cherry-flavored cupcake and savoring the sweet taste. I kept hearing Jason kicking the cell. Great… I’m gonna have to shut him up soon. I figured I might as well get it over with. Upset, I got my baton, and marched over to Jason’s cell, where he stood angrily. I began the conversation.
“What’s wrong now?”
“I want out!”
“Well, you’re not going to be getting out anytime soon. In fact I think I may need to strap you to your bed if you continue to act like that.”
“Why do you hate me so much?? You know I didn’t do it! You know I was controlled!”
I paused, thinking.
I then replied, “As hard as it is for me, I had to follow the law.”
“What are you talking about?”
“I still love you, Jason… I really do! But it hurts me to say this; you’ve ruined your reputation.”
“I can get it back! Just let me out!”
“I’m sorry, but I can’t.”
As I turned to leave, Jason grabbed my wrist.
“Lucky… please. I can change, you know I can!”
I felt bad for him, but then again, I didn’t know if I could trust him. I pulled my hand away, knocking over my gun holster. The gun fell to the floor and let out a shot…
Part III.
Someone in this room has been shot. The other is going to feel unimaginable amounts of regret. They are going to feel the weight of Mount Matterhorn on their shoulders, symbolizing their guilt. And I’m going to hit a turning point.