A nature-loving photographer scrolls through their snaps from the day, only to realise they have captured something in the background that they didn't mean to...

Didn’t Mean To

“Hey Mike how’s the new photo of our school forest? Is it rewarding?” John, my friend, said as I returned from the forest.

“It sure is Mike, how about you come give a look at these?” I replied as I walked towards his location. We scrolls through all of the photos together and we both concluded that nature is just beautiful. Until a unfitting figure is seen by us in the background of a photo, the figure is irregularly tall and almost appears to be a tree, it gives off a very strong feeling of eerie.

“Do you perhaps know what is this thing?” Mike said with confusion, he had never seen or heard a creature that looks like what he has seen today, and so do I.

“I don’t know Mike. Let’s search it up.” I said as I pulled out my phone, we searched for an animal that match the characteristics of that figure, but none does. Instead, we found a myth that does. Higo, the creature that lurks in the woods that imitates a tree, these creatures will not let go of their prey unless they’re dead. I frowned as I saw the last line.

“Damn that’s crazy, I’m sure it must be a coincidence, maybe it just your camera malfunctioned.” He guessed while having his body shivering. I wish I could think he’s right, but I can’t fool my self.

“Let’s not stay where, we must go to somewhere safe.” I said to Mike, then we started to run towards the direction of the school. We trembled as we heard the sound of Higo behind us, it’s a deep hissing sound, it is capable to unleash the terror inside us. The path that we used to think is short feels like it has become miles, Mike and I used all of our stamina and rushed inside the building at last. We told everyone of our experience but nobody believe us, and we live in fear of being found by the Higo.

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