Submitted by Freddie

Life Without You

Write a poem or short story about what life would be like without the person you care about the most.


You found me when I was my lowest, when my depression would control me. You picked me up, you took me somewhere safe, you made me feel ok. I was ok.

We talked every day, you always made sure you were there when I needed you. You always made sure I was ok. You loved me. And I loved you.

And then he came along.

“We can be friends,” you said. “I promise I’ll still be here,” you lied. You weren’t there. I needed you and you weren’t there.

What about all the promises you made? You promised you loved me. You promised you would never leave me. How could you?! You broke me.

So I killed him.

I killed him, and you found me sitting in your living room hours after. If I couldn’t have you I wanted to make sure you knew I loved you, and then I would make sure no one else could have you either.

The click of a bullet in a chamber.

The crack of a skull.

The silence.

My laugh rang through the quiet house. You were finally mine, no one else could have you. I promised I would follow you to death.

I never break a promise.

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